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Walking Wounded was a wood and iron sculpture and installation that stood on the grounds at Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark in Birmingham, Alabama from 2015 until 2017. It was created during the 2015 National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art & Practices (NCCCIAP) in collaboration with Gerry Masse and the family of Sculpture Trails artists and interns. It was destroyed by deshahua to open the 2017 NCCCIAP in collaboration with Marjee Levine, Feral Fagiola, Gerry Masse, Jake Chrzan, and Katerina Nissa. It hosted 2 iron performances in its lifetime: sawgood? HELLSNOW! at its genesis in 2015, and Compos Mentis at its demise in 2017.

For all who have experienced bodily trauma, Walking Wounded contrasted vertical war torches with horizontal spines. The torches mimicked the nearby smokestacks at Sloss, and define a performance space between them. Within that space, 3 horizontal benches display 7 open faced wood molds each, which were carved with snowflake patterns and filled with iron. At the center stands an unopened wood mold containing an iron jellyfish casting. 

The impetus to create Walking Wounded came from several sources of inspiration. The horizontal benches are forms that Marsh creates and uses to stretch and repair his back while carving, which can be very painful. The therapeutic benches here support effigies of spinal discs, which are the wood molds containing the 21 iron snowflakes. The 3 vertical war torches stand in defiance of affliction and demarcate continued utility in spite of injury. The jellyfish casting at center, around which the installation is aligned, acknowledges a longing for a spineless existence.  


Lucky 7 Arts

sawgood? HELLSNOW!

iron into wood

performed by

Andrew Marsh, Gerry Masse & Fiends 



2015 National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art & Practices

Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark

Birmingham, Alabama

featuring Crybaby & Barbara

 hell on earth - iron snowflakes rain

torn bodies stand tall, ignited to smolder within

stars that guide obscure in airborne multitude

are you good? absolutely not.

photos by Morgan Lugo

(C) 2015 Lucky 7 Arts



Lucky 7 Arts

Compos Mentis

deshahua iron onto wood

performed by

Andrew Marsh, Marjee Levine, Feral Fagiola, Gerry Masse, Jacob Chrzan & Katerina Nissa 



2017 National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art & Practices
Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark

Birmingham, Alabama

featuring Lucifer and Lady Roy


The un-sane takes flight

Wounded in body and mind

Twins exposed by fire

photos by Jesse Blumenthal, David Rankin, Gerry Masse, Marsh & Levine

(C) 2017 lucky 7 arts 

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