Devil's Night Ironworks is Andrew's fully functional portable iron foundry, performance art stage, and sculptural monstrosity. The twisting masses of welded steel evoke both industrial curiosity and primordial delight whether idol or ablaze. As a work of art that produces more art, the Ironworks fuses art, ritual, and industry to celebrate the wonder and power of creation.
The Ironworks features a cupola-style furnace with ancillary work stations and platforms that allow iron to be melted and cast into new forms. Marsh specializes in reaction casting, where the mold or pattern to be cast is made of a consumable material such as wood, paper, or plastic. As the 3000 degree iron is poured into the molds, a combustion reaction takes place between the metal and mold causing volatile explosions and fiery inflammations as the artworks are poured. The resulting castings bear the scars of this transformation and birth by fire. See Pain Trophies and Alchemy Insanity galleries for examples.
Marsh collaborates with other performance artists to cast their works and his own in ritual performances, such as Big Kill Love, below. Devil's Night Ironworks is installed at Sculpture Trails Outdoor Museum.

Devil's Night Ironworks
Big Kill Love
iron into wood
performed by
Andrew Marsh, Feral Fagiola, & Katerina Nissa
Sculpture Trails Outdoor Museum
Solsberry, Indiana
rekindle - recondition - revive
this beast from stasis, feed iron sweat fire
three gather, fan the flames, introspect
draw measure from the core, molten for an instant
big heart carved, cask consumed erupting
kill this ache, alchemy transform insanity
love burns away, misery reborn inspires
photos by Eddie Relick
video by Dakota De Las Tortas
special thanks to Gerry Masse & the Trails Family
(C) 2016 lucky 7 arts